The Magic of Workshops

With over 16 years of running process-oriented groups and interactive workshops, Molly is the right choice when looking for true growth, learning and transformation that happens powerfully in a group setting.

Scroll further for current offerings and workshop

topics offered in the past.

Tired of bad dates, rude guys, being ghosted and getting flaked on?

Wanting to manifest a loyal and cherished relationship with a great guy?

Join Molly’s premier bi-monthly, virtual, no-cost gathering, the Women’s Wise Tribe, where you’ll name your real fears about dating and partnership while exploring new tools and strategies to overcome the blocks to love.

Plus, it’s a great group of supportive, like-minded soul sisters!

I came to Molly after a pattern of failed relationships, and a medical condition that I had given too much power. Both of these challenges effected my happiness greatly. Working with Molly changed my life.I loved and appreciated the tool building workshops. The vision boards and the life wheels were very helpful, and I like that Molly incorporates visual learning skills as well as audible. I communicate my feelings in a positive way now rather than shutting down and I don’t let insecurities and trust issues rule over me anymore. I feel so much more confident in myself, and I know my worth. Thanks to Molly, I’m proud of myself.

Kim Non-Profit Founder

Transformational Workshops

The Essential Value of Understanding Men, And What You’re Missing

This is Molly’s signature workshop that has drawn record crowds over the years. This introduction to the foundational principles she teaches from helps women gain a better understanding of men from brain biology to men’s “pack” or “bro” behavior, all the way to secrets to communicating easily with men and what men want most. This is a game-changer for any woman (single or married) who is confused and tired of trying to figure men out. Additionally, participants leave with practical tips and tools to use to create successful, communicative, and effective relationships with the men in their lives.

Enough Dating Mistakes! The 7 Critical Keys For Successful Dating And Relating

So many women wonder if they’re navigating dating the right way and fear that they’ll “get it wrong” or “not know the rules”. In this workshop Molly breaks down the most common dating mistakes women make today, such as insidious goofs and blunders that hinder dating effectiveness, how “the rules” can actually mess things up, common approaches to dating that send men running away and the most important tool that must be used for dating success. Molly shares insights and solutions, plus more, so participants feel confident and excited about what the dating and relating world has for them.

Activate The Magic Of Love And Partnership

This workshop explores the steps to creating a juicy life for yourself and the resulting magnetism it creates by calling in your man, along with sweetening your vision for love, which is the launching pad to partnership. Molly helps participants embrace the mystery of men and learn how to navigate our differences for more successful dating interactions and relationship fulfillment. She also covers dating apps, giving participants skills and insights for mastering them, all while keeping the fun alive. This workshop leaves everyone feeling excited and ready for love, as well as empowered to take internal and external action to create a beautiful partnership.

Ready to join a workshop or book Molly to lead a customized group offering for you?

We must work on both internal and external change – meaning we have to look at your thoughts, beliefs, mindset, and self talk ALONG with crafting a plan of new, exciting actions to get you where you want to go.

- Molly Lyda