Taking A Breath and Easing Into 2023

2023 started and there I was, already behind. I noticed the pressure I felt on the first day of the year and the expectations to “start off strong” with plans and visions and lists of goals… (which can, and have been, very effective in the past).

But this January felt really daunting. Overwhelming. And I just wanted to pull the covers over my head. It didn’t help that I ended up getting sick on New Year’s Eve day, and it took ten days to recover.

As I stared down at my “blank” vision for 2023, I knew I was being directed to begin the year in a different way, and given my zapped energy, I really had no choice but to listen and follow.

Loud and Clear

To really drive the point home, I also learned there were some major planets shifting according to Vedic astrology, and Mercury was in retrograde. Both occurrences can lead to feeling stuck and like it’s difficult to get things done. It was kind of a double whammy for me with being sick and the planets conspiring for things to go much… slower.

I was getting the message in flashing lights – You’re Gonna Have To Do This Differently… AND that’s OK.

If you’re experiencing any of this, you’re not alone. I encourage you to give yourself a little more grace and self-compassion, while trusting that you’ll find your way into the new year in the exact timing YOU need, just like I’ve done, and I’m still doing.


So, in this different approach to my year, I met myself where I was at, instead of expecting or forcing myself to be somewhere I was not.

Acceptance helped me to step away from the “shoulds”. I felt more curiosity and less pressure to strive.

I found a few minutes to journal answers to questions from my dear friend and angel whisperer Nina. Her inquiry was a gentle way to consider who I am today, where I’ve been, and where I might want to authentically go in the new year.

As I allowed the pen to flow with my reflections, I started to feel a little lighter, a little more hopeful and, intrigued about what I could create for myself this year.

Here are the questions she shared and a few more I’ve added:

  • Who will I be in 2023?
  • What parts of me need to fall away?
  • What parts of me do I want to embrace more?
  • How might I attend to or nurture newer parts of me that are just beginning to form?
  • Are there interests and curiosities I haven’t fully listened to yet that I’m willing to now?
  • What relationships in my life need mending?
  • What new desires and dreams are waiting to be birthed?
  • What would bring me absolute joy?
  • What’s one easy step I can take today towards one of these desires?


What If You’re Well On Your Way?

If by chance, you’ve started the year feeling highly motivated and energized, hooray! Keep it going. I’ve written two blogs in the past that give valuable direction on ways to create a vision and goals to support the creation of your dreams. I highly recommend you check them out HERE and HERE.

And, as you take inspired action, I do wonder, what it would look like to also fold in a little more grace for yourself?

Might that mean renegotiating an initial timeline? Asking for help? Allowing yourself downtime to ponder versus rushing into something just to mark it off the list?

Check in regularly to ask “is this really fulfilling me”? And what about self-compassion when you hit the inevitable challenge?

A New Beginning, No Matter What

I’m passing on these thoughts and questions above in hopes they might spark a new perspective on what’s possible for you this year if you created things with grace and ease… to give you another take on how you might want to grow into what’s possible in a way that allows more for wonder, flow and intuition.

I’m exploring all of this too and doing it slowly. Perhaps that’s just perfect, as there’s an old adage containing much wisdom that says “you have to slow down to speed up.” 

Here’s to remembering no matter what, the Universe is always conspiring for your good, even when you can’t see it. And here’s to trusting in the divine timing that allows for the unfolding of magic, surprises, growth, learning, and fun in this thing we call Life.

Wishing you a beautiful 2023

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