Tips for Holiday Happiness

Implementing a few mindful tips into this time of year can be a game-changer, turning your holiday season from crazed and hectic to enjoyable, fulfilling and fun.

When we’re in-tune with the thoughts, intentions and energy we bring into anything we embark upon, we’re more likely to have the kind of experience we want as a result.

Taking a few moments to consider these tips will help to ensure a festive celebration with a little more breathing room and groundedness, while also being open to the magic of the season.


To make the most of the season in all areas of your life, begin with a vision for what you’d love the holidays to look like this year. Start by reflecting and journaling on the following:

1. What would you love to happen during the holidays?

2. What would you love for your time with family and friends?

3. Who do you want to BE during the holidays? What qualities do you want to


4. What would you love for holiday prep? How will it go and what would you love

to go so easily?

5. What do you want to create – fun dates, unique memories, new foods, etc?

After reflecting on these questions and writing clearly about what you would LOVE, make sure you list at the end, THIS OR SOMETHING BETTER FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED.

By doing so, it reminds you to keep an open mind and open heart about what might be possible, allowing more space for the universe to work its magic, in ways that you often can’t think of, bringing more possibility and special surprises your way.

Sticking With It

It’s important that you stay connected to this vision by reading it and feeling it during a few quiet moments regularly.

To reinforce your connection to co-creating with spirit, ask daily – what can I do to step further into my holiday dream? Or what’s one thing I can do in this moment to experience more of my intentions?

Breaking it down daily in this way also opens you to tangible, doable action steps you’ll be inspired to take that will move you closer to your holiday vision coming to fruition.

Pick Three Things

In addition to connecting with your vision, it’s so important to stay on top of your self-care. During busy times, some of our routines get interrupted and reduced, which is to be expected.

With that awareness, I recommend you identify 3 primary self-care actions and then, give yourself permission to let go of the rest, knowing you’ll return to your fuller routine after things settle down and the new year begins.

Some of these small actions might include committing to a specific bedtime, taking 5 minutes to meditate daily, eating a few more veggies, using stress-reducing breath work around certain family members, drinking more water, getting some kind of regular exercise or movement, etc.

Do what you can to make at least a few or all three actions happen as often as possible. By doing so, you’ll notice feeling more on top of things, your perspective will be a little more positive and your body, mind and soul will thank you for making them a priority, even in small ways.


Next, giving yourself permission to LET IT BE MESSY this time of year can be really helpful.

Often there are lots of expectations around how things “should” be and surrendering to outcomes being potentially different than expected, but still good, positive and unexpectedly fun, can greatly reduce unwanted stress.

Even if things don’t go according to plan or aren’t “perfect”, don’t let them ruin your experience. Stay focused on the positive and notice what’s going right. This will also help to keep you in the holiday spirit.

Sending you good thoughts at this time of the year and wishing you a safe, healthy and beautiful season!

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